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Extend swap space with LVM

Need more swap space for your applications to use? Here's how to extend a swap setup as a logical volume:

1) Determine the name of the swap logical volume using the "lvs" command:
$ lvs
LV VG Attr LSize Origin Snap% Move Log Copy%
root_lv volgroup0 -wi-ao 7.00G
swap_lv1 volgroup0 -wi-ao 30.00G
tmp_lv volgroup0 -wi-ao 3.00G
usr_lv volgroup0 -wi-ao 7.00G
var_lv volgroup0 -wi-ao 4.00G

2) Turn off the swap partition:
$ swapoff /dev/volgroup0/swap_lv1

3) Resize the swap partition, adding 15GB more space to it:
$ lvresize -L+15G /dev/volgroup0/swap_lv1
Extending logical volume swap_lv1 to 30.00 GB
Logical volume swap_lv1 successfully resized

4) Format the new swap space to make it usable:
$ mkswap /dev/volgroup0/swap_lv1
Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 41875927 kB

5) Turn the swap volume back on:
$ swapon /dev/volgroup0/swap_lv1

6) Use the free command to show your new swap space:
$ free -tom| grep -i swap
Swap: 30719 0 30719